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Learn With Me - Public-key Cryptography

The Discrete Logarithm Problem

Now that you understand modular arithmetic, we can move on to its applications. In the previous post, we discussed how to perform modular computations. Now, it's time to learn how these computations are used in cryptography. Calculating the remainder in an equation like this might be easy:

$$ 5

Learn With Me - Modular Arithmetics

What is Modular Arithmetic?

Usually, when you want to perform division, you do something like:

$$ \frac{3}{5} = 1,(6) \Rightarrow 1\frac{2}{3} $$

But there are some cases when you only need the remainder.

$$ \frac{\text{Dividend}}{\text{Divisor}} = \text{Quotient} + \text{Remainder} $$

Where \(\text{Quoti

How To Sign Up And Login


To create an account, you'll need the Authenticator app or any other that supports TOTP (time-based one-time passwords), since I don't want to store this kind of information in my database. :)

What's next?

Once you have it, go to the sign-up page and chec

Ductf2024 I See

First Part

Figure out what the real task of the challenge is.

The Hardware Part

Based on the given schematic, we have an RPI2040 controller connected to another mysterious chip via the I2C bus. After a quick search on Google to find out what the M24C02-WMN is, I discovered it’s an EEPROM memory. Theref

1337up Live 2024 Phish Market Order Management

First Part

Look at the files

│   docker-compose.yml
│   start.sh
│       Dockerfile
│       market
│       wait-for-it.sh

As you may have noticed, the

Kpmg2024 Mobile App Reverse

First Part

Well, since the description was rather brief, we can't learn much from it.

Therefore, it's a good practice to start examining the application by running the command:

strings program.ext

in Linux to see what ASCII strings a


Kpmg2024 Js Task


Get Familiar with the Task

In the first step, you have to figure out what the main task in this challenge is. As you may see, there is a text input form that updates the textContent depending on a strange-looking if statement. If you can manage to make this